French Bread
French bread is categorized into several bread sections such as:
• Hamburger
• Baguette
• Pain au Lait
• Sandwich
• White Bread
We as a manufacturing company for bakery equipment , we provide the needs of our clients in this field through machineries such as: spiral mixers, divider & rounder , moulders, bread slicers, fermentation units ,trays , trollies , convection ovens , and rotary ovens.

French Bread Composed of:
Designed for the unique high-quality dough needs of commissaries.
The Semi-Automatic Dough Divider/ Rounder is used for the bun and roll bread production.
It is a simple machine used to roll up the dough. It is particularly suitable for small and medium-scal.
is a professional solution for bakeries to cut or divide a loaf of pain de mie bread into slices.
Tank is used to cool the supply water in-order to use it dough. As well as the water metering unit.
used with wheat / flour in bakeries before preparing and mixing dough.
Tray transport trolleys are full stainless steel. Easy to clean and move into the proofing chamber
It is a process where bread is proofed before going to the oven.
Convection ovens are used to bake French breads, croissant , and sweets.
he grinder is a strong, solid machine. It is used to grind sugar, kaak , and bread.
The automatic group machine is reliable, sturdy and practical, thanks to design technology that makes it highly flexible.
Suitable for uniform and perfect baking of various products like French bread, pain au lait, hamburger, and buns.
Used to display the products and to keep them warm. It is mainly used with croissant.
Hamburger and French Bread Slicer used to slice and open the bread that need to be prepared.
It is a compact machine used in pastry shop kitchens for refining, milling and sheeting a variety of food products.

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